ChinaGreen TeaReviewsSichuanTea

Tea Review: Spring Jasmine Green Tea from Bitter Leaf Teas

100-Year-Old Sichuan Tea House Experience 2023 Spring Jasmine Green Tea from @bitterleafteas

Origin: Sichuan, China

Brand: Bitter Leaf Teas

100-Year-Old Sichuan Tea House Experience 2023 Spring Jasmine Green Tea Review

100 year old sichuan tea house experience spring jasmine green tea by bitter leaf teas review by the_tea_sensei
This delicious daily drinker is the only tea served at Guanyin Pavilion Tea House in China. Not only that but, the tea house boss, says that his regulars are quite picky, which is why he hasn’t changed the tea that he offers since 1995. 😲
Now that I have tried it myself, I can see why!
#teageek #teastories #teahouse #jasminetea #gaiwan

100 year old sichuan tea house experience spring jasmine green tea by bitter leaf teas review by the_tea_sensei 2


Tea artist and connoisseur with the goal of teaching others the joy that comes forms drinking quality tea

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