Green TeaReviewsTea

Tea Review: Hulk Spring 2023 Simao Green Tea by Bitter Leaf Teas

Hulk Spring 2023 Simao Green Tea

Brand: Bitter Leaf Teas

Hulk Spring Simao Green Tea Review

hulk spring 2023 simao green tea from bitter leaf teas review by the_tea_sensei 2

From @bitterleafteas
This green tea is dense, nutty and vegetal! With notes of miso soup that I really enjoyed! I could not stop drinking this tea, and it just kept steeping more and more 😁
#greentea #teaandcomics #teaoutside #relaxtime

hulk spring 2023 simao green tea from bitter leaf teas review by the_tea_sensei


Tea artist and connoisseur with the goal of teaching others the joy that comes forms drinking quality tea

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